Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report December 31, 2013. One of the first things I will do in 2014 is figure out why my Legal News Report is picking up sports. May 2014 be your best year yet.
Steinman Legal News Report December 31, 2013. One of the first things I will do in 2014 is figure out why my Legal News Report is picking up sports. May 2014 be your best year yet.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report December 30, 2013. Sen. Ted Cruz has hired lawyers to help him get rid of his Canadian citizenship; India’s efforts to aid poor worry drug makers; scandals of 2013; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report December 30, 2013. Sen. Ted Cruz has hired lawyers to help him get rid of his Canadian citizenship; India’s efforts to aid poor worry drug makers; scandals of 2013; and more.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report December 26, 2013. Temple Grandin on working with autism: I like the way I think; three Turkey Cabinet ministers resigned their posts: is it corruption or a power struggle with Islamic cleric in U.S.? Did you see a fat guy in a red suit?
Steinman Legal News Report December 26, 2013.
Temple Grandin on working with autism: I like the way I think; three Turkey Cabinet ministers resigned their posts: is it corruption or a power struggle with Islamic cleric in U.S.? Did you see a fat guy in a red suit?
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Happy Washington Crossing Day!
Happy Washington Crossing Day!
On December 25, 1776, General George Washington led his small army across the Delaware River against the Hessian troops stationed in Trenton, New Jersey. Washington and his men crossed the river at McConkey's Ferry in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, what is now known as Washington Crossing State Park. Each year, the park celebrates the anniversary of Washington's crossing with a live reenactment. Three different units crossed the Delaware River that night, but the division led by General Washington was the only one to reach the meeting point at the appointed time.
• While the victory was not hugely significant strategically, it helped raise the spirits of the Americans.
• There are several historical inconsistencies with the painting of the crossing by Emanuel Leutze. For instance, Leutze's river was modeled after the Rhine River in Germany, rather than the actual Delaware River, and the flag depicted in the painting is known as the "Betsy Ross" flag, which the Army would not have carried at the time of the crossing.
• Future President James Monroe and Chief Justice John Marshall were both part of the Continental Army at the time of the crossing. Monroe is depicted holding the flag in Leutze's painting.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report 23, 2013. Helicopters evacuate aid workers and others from South Sudan.
Steinman Legal News Report 23, 2013. Helicopters evacuate aid workers and others from South Sudan.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report December 22, 2013.
Steinman Legal News Report December 22, 2013.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report December 20, 2013. Congress passes reform on how military handles sexual assault cases; North Korea sent a fax to South Korea on Thursday, threatening to "strike mercilessly without notice" after protests against the secretive regime this week in Seoul; Target Corp said hackers have stolen data from up to 40 million credit and debit cards of shoppers; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report December 20, 2013.
Congress passes reform on how military handles sexual assault cases; North Korea sent a fax to South Korea on Thursday, threatening to "strike mercilessly without notice" after protests against the secretive regime this week in Seoul; Target Corp said hackers have stolen data from up to 40 million credit and debit cards of shoppers; and more.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
CORRECTION Steinman Legal News Report December 18, 2013. Doctor's death in Syria 'in effect murder"; "heavy" death toll as thousands flee South Sudan violence; Florida school named for Ku Klux Klan leader to be renamed. What took them so long? And more news.
CORRECTION Steinman Legal News Report December 18, 2013. Doctor's death in Syria 'in effect murder"; "heavy" death toll as thousands flee South Sudan violence; Florida school named for Ku Klux Klan leader to be renamed. What took them so long? And more news.
Steinman Legal News Report December 28, 2013. Abbas Khan: Doctor's death in Syria 'in effect murder"; 'Heavy' death toll as thousands flee South Sudan violence, U.N. says; Florida school named for Ku Klux Klan leader to be renamed. What took them so long? And more news.
Steinman Legal News Report December 28, 2013. Abbas Khan: Doctor's death in Syria 'in effect murder"; 'Heavy' death toll as thousands flee South Sudan violence, U.N. says; Florida school named for Ku Klux Klan leader to be renamed. What took them so long? And more news.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report December 17, 2013.
Steinman Legal News Report December 17, 2013.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report December 16, 2013. Car bombs, aerial bombardments and more violence.
Steinman Legal News Report December 16, 2013. Car bombs, aerial bombardments and more violence.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report December 14, 2013. News from Iran, South Africa, China, the South Pole and more.
Steinman Legal News Report December 14, 2013. News from Iran, South Africa, China, the South Pole and more.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Steinman Janet, "Book Review: Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection." The Privacy Advisor. November 26, 2013.
Steinman Janet, "Book Review: Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection." The Privacy Advisor. November 26, 2013.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report December 2, 2013. Ten stories of everyday heroes.
Steinman Legal News Report December 2, 2013. Ten stories of everyday heroes.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report November 29, 2013. Who should be TIME's Person of the Year and more.
Steinman Legal News Report November 29, 2013. Who should be TIME's Person of the Year and more.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
China, Switzerland, Ukraine, Thailand, Iran, Japan, and more.
Steinman Legal News Report November 25, 2013.
News from US,China, Switzerland, Ukraine, Thailand, Iran, Japan, and more.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Some Patent History
In the past, I've talked about Eric Schiff's book Industrialization Without National Patents, which takes a close look at how the Netherlands industrialized during a period of time when it explicitly abolished patents -- from 1869 to 1912 -- and Switzerland…
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
Steinman Legal News report. November 18, 2013. Disasters, manmade and otherwise. And more.
Steinman Legal News report. November 18, 2013. Disasters, manmade and otherwise. And more.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report November 8, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report November 8, 2013.
China party says no to political reform on eve of key meet; cyber attack war game to test London banks on November 12; taxpayers close to breaking even on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac bailout; and more.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Slavery Isn’t a Thing of the Past. Nicholas D. Kristof op-ed in NYT.
Slavery Isn’t a Thing of the Past. Nicholas D. Kristof op-ed in NYT.
Steinman Legal News Report November 7, 2013. At least two dead, seven wounded in Detroit shooting; all eyes on NYSE for Twitter IPO; U.S. poverty rate remains high even counting government aid; tests support Arafat polonium poisoning claim; and more. "When the US Supreme court discusses religion, all hell breaks loose".
Steinman Legal News Report November 7, 2013. At least two dead, seven wounded in Detroit shooting; all eyes on NYSE for Twitter IPO; U.S. poverty rate remains high even counting government aid; tests support Arafat polonium poisoning claim; and more. "When the US Supreme court discusses religion, all hell breaks loose".
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Greece v. Galloway argued before SCOTUS 11/06/13
Greece v. Galloway
Temporary Protected Status Extended for Somalis
Temporary Protected Status Extended for Somalis
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report. November 5, 2013.
Steinman Legal News Report. November 5, 2013.
US officials offer few concession on NSA intelligence gathering to the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. Established at the recommendation of the 9/11 Commission in 2004, the five-member board is an independent watchdog within the government's executive branch. It is studying U.S. intelligence surveillance programs in light of recent disclosures that have raised concerns about lax privacy protections; and more. VOTE.
ARCAblog: German magazines Focus and Der Spiegel Online repo...
ARCAblog: German magazines Focus and Der Spiegel Online repo...: Cover of Focus By Catherine Sezgin, ARCA Blog Editor On Sunday, November 3, Museum Security Network, under the leadership of the n...
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
LIVE COVERAGE: Congressional hearing on privacy and intelligence programs.
LIVE COVERAGE: Congressional hearing on privacy and intelligence programs.
Monday, October 28, 2013
I challenged a hacker to find out about me. The results were frightening.
By Adam L. Penenberg On October 26, 2013It’s my first class of the semester at New York University. I’m discussing the evils of plagiarism and falsifying sources with 11 graduate journalism students when, without warning, my computer freezes. I…
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Steinman, Janet. "Book Review: A Guide to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act 2013." The Privacy Advisor. October 18, 2013.
Steinman, Janet. "Book Review: A Guide to the Personal Information
Protection and Electronic Documents Act 2013." The Privacy Advisor.
October 18, 2013.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report October 26, 2013. North Carolina GOP precinct chair resigns after racist remarks; EU leaders warn U.S. spying scandal may hamper fight against terror (but please continue to send us your money US); Iran hangs 16 rebels 'in reprisal for border deaths'; Air Force makes 'God' optional in honor code - someone finally read the First Amendment! And more.
Steinman Legal News Report October 26, 2013. North Carolina GOP precinct
chair resigns after racist remarks; EU leaders warn U.S. spying scandal may hamper fight
against terror (but please continue to send us your money US); Iran hangs 16 rebels 'in reprisal for border deaths'; Air Force makes 'God' optional in honor code -
someone finally read the First Amendment! And more.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report October 25, 2013. US and Pakistan long had secret agreement about drone strikes; former secretary of State Madeleine Albright says Snowden has damaged the US greatly (duh); five injured at North Caroline state fair - when will they make these fairs illegal? Happy weekend.
Steinman Legal News Report October 25, 2013. US and Pakistan long had
secret agreement about drone strikes; former secretary of State Madeleine
Albright says Snowden has damaged the US greatly (duh); five injured at North
Caroline state fair - when will they make these fairs illegal? Happy
Friday, October 18, 2013
CBLDF joined a coalition of anti-censorship advocates — including the National Coalition Against Censorship, American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, the Association of American Publishers, and the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom — to defend Neil Gaiman’s novel Neverwhere, which has been removed from shelves in the Alamogordo NM High School pending review.
CBLDF joined a coalition of anti-censorship advocates — including the
National Coalition Against Censorship, American Booksellers Foundation for Free
Expression, the Association of American Publishers, and the American Library
Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom — to defend Neil Gaiman’s
novel Neverwhere, which has been removed from shelves in the Alamogordo
NM High School pending review.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report October 7, 2013.
Steinman Legal News Report October 7,
U.S. forces strike in Libya, Somalia,
capture al Qaeda operative; two Americans, German win Nobel Prize for
Medicine with discoveries on how hormones, enzymes and other key substances are
transported within cells; SCOTUS will hear consequential cases on campaign
contributions, abortion rights, affirmative action, public prayer and
presidential power; and more.
http://paper.li/JanetSteinman/1368661556It's the first Monday in October and the U.S. Supreme Court has started the 2013-2014 term. The Justices face a broad range of issues, ranging from abortion to prayer in public places, campaign finance to affirmative action.
It's the first Monday in October and the U.S. Supreme Court has started the
2013-2014 term. The Justices face a broad range of issues, ranging from
abortion to prayer in public places, campaign finance to affirmative action.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report October 3, 2013.
Steinman Legal News Report October 3, 2013.
Government shutdown "extremely damaging" to U.S. intelligence operations;
India corruption: Laloo Prasad Yadav jailed for five years; MF Global trustee
plans to return more customer funds; suspect charged in bomb scare at
Jacksonville airport; and more.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report October 2, 2013. Congress still gets paid, it's in the Constitution; team arrives to rid Syria of chemical weapons; Chinese dissident to join conservative US think tank; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report October 2, 2013. Congress still gets paid, it's
in the Constitution; team arrives to rid Syria of chemical weapons; Chinese
dissident to join conservative US think tank; and more.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report October 1, 2013. Live updates on government shutdown on http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com; Bangladesh MP Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury to hang for war crimes; Syria at the U.N. - "there is no civil war"; two Marine generals lose their jobs over deadly Taliban attack; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report October 1, 2013. Live updates on government
shutdown on http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com;
Bangladesh MP Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury to hang for war crimes; Syria at the
U.N. - "there is no civil war"; two Marine generals lose their jobs over deadly
Taliban attack; and more.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 30, 2013. Key report on jobs at risk in the event of a US federal government shutdown, plane crashed in Santa Monica Airport, no survivors; if you didn't ace the SATs you can always design microbe transplants protocols; DOJ is poised to file a lawsuit over voter ID law; at least 40 killed and 100 wounded after a bomb exploded at a bazaar in Peshawar; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report September 30, 2013. Key report on jobs at risk
in the event of a US federal government shutdown, plane crashed in Santa Monica
Airport, no survivors; if you didn't ace the SATs you can always design microbe
transplants protocols; DOJ is poised to file a lawsuit over voter ID law; at
least 40 killed and 100 wounded after a bomb exploded at a bazaar in Peshawar;
and more.
Shusterman Immigration Update October 2013
Shusterman Immigration Update October 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 29, 2013. Kenyan intelligence warned of Al-Shabaab threat before mall attack;
Steinman Legal News Report September 29, 2013. Kenyan intelligence warned
of Al-Shabaab threat before mall attack;
UK's Cameron touts housing plan and rights accord exit; and more.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 28, 2013. Imprisoned Pussy Riot member in hospital after 5 days without food; what was Romney's biggest error when he ran for President; Tory vice-chairman Alan Lewis arrested over historical rape allegation; gun rights supporters filed a motion on Friday to block Maryland's new gun law; Pakistani earthquake area struck again; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report September 28, 2013. Imprisoned Pussy Riot
member in hospital after 5 days without food; what was Romney's biggest error
when he ran for President; Tory vice-chairman Alan Lewis
arrested over historical rape allegation; gun
rights supporters filed a motion on Friday to block Maryland's new gun law;
Pakistani earthquake area struck again; and more.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 27, 2013. News from the U.N., India, Syria, Kenya and more.
Steinman Legal News Report September 27, 2013. News from the U.N., India,
Syria, Kenya and more.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 25, 2013. Dear Sen. Cruz - you're a jerk. Sincerely, everyone else.
Steinman Legal News Report September 25, 2013. Dear Sen. Cruz - you're a
jerk. Sincerely, everyone else.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 19, 2013. Egyptian police official killed in clashes outside of Cairo; EU officer killed in Kosovo; FBI barred from making arrests in Libya related to deaths in Benghazi; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report September 19, 2013. Egyptian police official
killed in clashes outside of Cairo; EU officer killed in Kosovo; FBI barred from
making arrests in Libya related to deaths in Benghazi; and more.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 18, 2013. UN report highlights "unspeakable atrocities" in North Korea; vertical ecology: three dimensional biodiversity; Colorado flood flows east; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report September 18, 2013. UN report highlights
"unspeakable atrocities" in North Korea; vertical ecology: three dimensional
biodiversity; Colorado flood flows east; and
Monday, September 16, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 16, 2013. Today is the 50th anniversary of the church bombing in Birmingham, AL that killed four girls.
Steinman Legal News Report September 16, 2013. Today is the 50th
anniversary of the church bombing in Birmingham, AL that killed four
Monday, September 9, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 09, 2013. CNN poll shows that public disagrees with strikes against Syria; remote US Border Patrol plug gaps at Mexico border; Russian diplomat shot dead in Georgia; NAACP president steps down; PetroChina shares halted; the digital age is killing AM radio; NYC Opera may cancel most of its season; a new Van Gogh painting is discovered; and more. Tomorrow is primary day in NYC.
Steinman Legal News Report September 09, 2013. CNN poll shows that public
disagrees with strikes against Syria; remote US Border Patrol plug gaps at
Mexico border; Russian diplomat shot dead in Georgia; NAACP president steps
down; PetroChina shares halted; the digital age is killing AM radio; NYC Opera
may cancel most of its season; a new Van Gogh painting is discovered; and more.
Tomorrow is primary day in NYC.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 08, 2013.
Steinman Legal News Report September 08, 2013.
From Syria - Islamist rebels take control of historic Christian town of
Maaloula; Al-Nusra Front has emerged as one of the most effective groups in the
Syrian resistance, drawing on foreign fighters with combat experience in Iraq
and elsewhere; and EU accuses of Syria of chemical weapons attack but urges a
wait for UN report.
Tony Abbott defeats Kevin Rudd in election for Australian prime minister;
China buys into giant Kazakh oil field for $5 billion; NYC mayor's race offers
latest twists before primary elections on September 10; protests fill city
streets around Brazil; and more.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 06, 2013.
Steinman Legal News Report September 06, 2013.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano leaves office at midnight;
Egypt's government denies state media reports that it has decided to dissolve
the Muslim Brotherhood; teen birth rates hit historic low; Kenya MPs vote to
withdraw from ICC; Obama cancels trip to the West Coast; and more.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 04, 2013. Lawmakers grill Obama officials on Syria; draft resolution on Syria would limit strike to 60 days; who has the vision to crack the smart watch; Bezos makes first visit to Washington Post as owner; and more. A very happy 5774 to all.
Legal News Report September 04, 2013. Lawmakers grill Obama officials on
Syria; draft resolution on Syria would limit strike to 60 days; who has the
vision to crack the smart watch; Bezos makes first visit to Washington Post as
owner; and more. A very happy 5774 to all.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 03, 2013. Latest developments regarding Syria; two ballistic "objects" that Russia said were launched toward the eastern coast of the Mediterranean fell into the sea; foreign companies in China are getting increasingly jumpy about a spate of antitrust and corruption investigations by Chinese authorities; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report September 03, 2013. Latest developments
regarding Syria; two ballistic "objects" that Russia said
were launched toward the eastern coast of the Mediterranean fell into the sea;
foreign companies in China are
getting increasingly jumpy about a spate of antitrust and corruption
investigations by Chinese authorities; and more.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 2, 2013. Taliban targets US base in Afghanistan; Boris Johnson says new vote in Parliament may be possible regarding Syria; three Florida mayors arrested; thieves and rip off artists flock to charities for veterans; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report September 2, 2013. Taliban targets US base in
Afghanistan; Boris Johnson says new vote in Parliament may be possible regarding
Syria; three Florida mayors arrested; thieves and rip off artists flock to
charities for veterans; and more.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report September 1, 2013. Text of draft legislation submitted by President Obama to Congress regarding authorization for use of US armed forces in connection with the conflict in
Steinman Legal News Report September 1, 2013.
Text of draft legislation
submitted by President Obama to Congress regarding authorization for use of US
armed forces in connection with the conflict in
Syria, slow pace of justice wears down Occupy Wall Street defendants, and
more.Friday, August 30, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report August 30, 2013. British Parliament votes to not join US in potential military action against Syria; Snowden impersonated NSA officials; study finds that poor people aren't "stupid"; bad decisions are from being overwhelmed; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report August 30, 2013. British Parliament votes to not
join US in potential military action against Syria; Snowden impersonated NSA officials; study finds
that poor people aren't "stupid"; bad decisions are from being overwhelmed; and
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report August 28, 2013. Eight months after massacre, Newtown students start the new school year; Iran's Khamenei says U.S. intervention in Syria would be disaster; Baghdad hit by new wave of deadly bomb attacks; and more
Steinman Legal News Report August 28, 2013. Eight months after massacre,
Newtown students start the new school year; Iran's Khamenei says U.S. intervention in Syria would
be disaster; Baghdad hit by new wave of deadly bomb attacks; and more
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report August 27, 2013. Syria, Israel, the UN and more.
Steinman Legal News Report August 27, 2013. Syria, Israel, the UN and
Monday, August 26, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report August 26, 2013 - Chemical weapons in Syria, fire in Yosemite, Fukushima toxic water and more.
Steinman Legal News Report August 26, 2013 - Chemical weapons in Syria,
fire in Yosemite, Fukushima toxic water and more.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report August 22, 2013 - Premarkets may be making a comeback; Mugabe sworn in for five more years as Zimbabwe's president; Bradley Manning plans to seek a pardon; San Diego Mayor reaches mediation deal; and charges are considered against writer who told Canadian family to 'euthanize' autistic son, but which ones?
Steinman Legal News Report August 22, 2013 - Premarkets may be making a
comeback; Mugabe sworn in for five more years as Zimbabwe's
president; Bradley Manning plans to seek a pardon; San Diego Mayor reaches
mediation deal; and charges are considered against writer who told Canadian
family to 'euthanize' autistic son, but which ones?
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report August 19, 2013 - Egypt on edge amid questions about U.S. aid; a television unit flourishes in an often overlooked corner of Sony; in turnaround, ruling Tunisia Islamists will meet rivals; Angela Merkel and German voter apathy; and more.
Steinman Legal News Report August 19, 2013 - Egypt on edge amid questions
about U.S. aid; a television unit flourishes in an often overlooked corner of
Sony; in turnaround, ruling Tunisia Islamists will meet rivals; Angela Merkel
and German voter apathy; and more.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report August 17, 2013 - Navy divers recover five bodies from Indian submarine INS Sindhurakshak, .US consumer confidence dips; housing starts miss forecast , government asks for reversal of ruling Bernanke must testify in AIG lawsuit and more
Legal News Report August 17, 2013 - Navy divers recover five bodies from Indian
submarine INS Sindhurakshak, US consumer confidence dips asmhousing starts miss
forecast , government asks for
reversal of ruling Bernanke must testify in AIG lawsuit,
York City appealing stop-and-frisk ruling, Christie seeks changes in New Jersey
medical marijuana bills, and
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report August 14, 2013. News from Egypt, Newark, Louisiana, Japan, Israel, and more.
Steinman Legal News Report August 14, 2013. News from Egypt, Newark,
Louisiana, Japan, Israel, and more.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report August 12, 2013 - News form Bahrain, China, Egypt, Yemen, Australia, JFK Airport and more.
Steinman Legal News Report August 12, 2013 - News form Bahrain, China,
Egypt, Yemen, Australia, JFK Airport and more.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Art Everywhere turns UK's streets into world's largest art show
Art Everywhere turns UK's streets into world's largest art show
Project launched in shopping mall
displays artists' most popular works on bus stops and tube stations.
Steinman Legal News Report: August 9, 2013. Two face charges in case of Canadian girl who hanged self after alleged rape; Navy commander testifies that Bradley Manning's release of secret files helped Al Qaeda's recruiting efforts; and more
Steinman Legal News Report: August 9, 2013. Two face charges in case of
Canadian girl who hanged self after alleged rape; Navy commander testifies that
Bradley Manning's release of secret files helped Al Qaeda's recruiting efforts;
and more
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report, August 7, 2013. News from San Diego, North Korea, Fort Hood, Iraq, Syria, and Nairobi.
Steinman Legal News Report, August 7, 2013. News from San Diego, North
Korea, Fort Hood, Iraq, Syria, and Nairobi.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Ground Breaking Conference Report Offers Concrete Steps to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the US Criminal Justice System.
Ground Breaking Conference Report Offers Concrete Steps to Eliminate Racial
and Ethnic Disparities in the US Criminal Justice System.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
Google Copyright Infringement Reports 4X This Year. The battle against piracy appears to have moved from the court to the search engine. The number of takedown requests that Google receives weekly has grown four times over the past two years from 200,000 reports filed weekly to 4.5 million weekly reports, according to a Statista analysis.
Google Copyright Infringement Reports 4X This Year. The battle against
piracy appears to have moved from the court to the search engine. The number of
takedown requests that Google receives weekly has grown four times over the past
two years from 200,000 reports filed weekly to 4.5 million weekly reports,
according to a Statista analysis.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report: July 9, 2013. Nine-month deal goal for Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Pakistani court to indict ex-president Musharraf in Bhutto killing, and more.
Steinman Legal News Report: July 9, 2013. Nine-month deal goal for
Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Pakistani court to indict ex-president
Musharraf in Bhutto killing, and more.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
BREAKING - Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy but found guilty of five counts of espionage. Including the counts he has previously pleaded guilty to, he faces up to 154 years in prison.
BREAKING - Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy but found guilty of five counts of espionage. Including the counts he has previously pleaded guilty to, he faces up to 154 years in prison.
Steinman Legal News Report July 30, 2013: Verdict in Manning trial to be revealed today.
Steinman Legal News Report July 30, 2013: Verdict in Manning trial to be
revealed today.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report July 27, 2013. Bradley Manning's fate now rests with the judge.
Steinman Legal News Report July 27, 2013. Bradley Manning's fate now rests
with the judge.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report July 24, 2013: Navy says sex at root of more than a third of its court cases.
Steinman Legal News Report July 24, 2013: Navy says sex at root of more than a third of its court cases.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report: July 22, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report: July 22, 2013
Law. Technology. Politics.
Culture. Everything Else
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Can 'Social Media Insurance' Protect Your Business?
Can 'Social Media Insurance' Protect Your Business?
Steinman Legal News Report July 20, 2013: FISA court renews authority to collect telephony metadata; Israelis,Palestinians react to agreement on resuming peace talks; one of Schindler's life-saving lists on eBay; woman dies riding roller coaster at Six Flags Over Texas; Microsoft in talks with ValueAct over board seat; Samsung close to mobile device deal with FBI and more.
Steinman Legal News Report July 20, 2013: FISA court renews authority to collect telephony
metadata; Israelis,Palestinians react to agreement on resuming peace talks;
one of Schindler's life-saving lists on eBay; woman dies riding roller coaster at Six Flags Over Texas; Microsoft
in talks with ValueAct over board seat; Samsung close to mobile device deal
with FBI and more.
Friday, July 19, 2013
FBI: Possibly flawed hair evidence used in at least 27 capital cases
FBI: Possibly flawed hair evidence used
in at least 27 capital cases
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Hackers post alleged passwords of Hill staffers; FBI probing breach.
Hackers post alleged passwords of Hill staffers; FBI probing breach
What is a Performance Rights Organization? From CD Baby. A short but useful article.
What is a PRO? From CD Baby. A short but useful article.
Steinman Legal News Report July 18, 2013 - News from North Korea, India, South Africa, Washington and more.
Steinman Legal News Report July 18, 2013 - News from North Korea, India,
South Africa, Washington and more.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Steinman Legal News Report July 17, 2013: WHO put a terrorist on the cover of Rolling Stone?
Steinman Legal News Report July 17, 2013: WHO put a terrorist on the cover
of Rolling Stone?
Monday, July 15, 2013
Anglican court says Benjamin West altarpiece can go to Boston.
Anglican court says Benjamin West altarpiece can go to Boston.
City of London church to sell the masterpiece to fund repairs
Steinman Legal News Report July 15, 2013: Steps for stronger labor laws in Bangladesh, protests after the Zimmerman verdict, J. K. Rowling reveals herself to be the real author of a crime novel and more.
Steinman Legal News Report July 15, 2013: Steps for stronger labor laws in
Bangladesh, protests after the Zimmerman verdict, J. K. Rowling reveals herself
to be the real author of a crime novel and more.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Find out what is being said about you on line.
Every once in awhile, run your name through search engines to make sure
there is nothing untrue about you out in cyberland. What you don't know can hurt
you. Attached is a good list of search engines; there are more than just Google
and Bing. Run your name in all its permutations - with your middle name, with
your middle initial, your birth name if applicable, etc. Put a Google Alert on
all variations of your name to be notified when something new about you is
posted on the internet.
Steinman Legal News Report July 13, 2013: the Zimmerman trial and a bill that places new restrictions on abortion passed the Texas Senate on Friday.
Steinman Legal News Report July 13, 2013: the Zimmerman trial and a bill
that places new restrictions on abortion passed the Texas Senate on
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Bipolar Magazine Summer 2013. Bringing Bipolar into Focus. Everyone's looks a little different.
Bipolar Magazine Summer 2013.
Bringing Bipolar into Focus. Everyone's looks a little different.
The Steinman Legal Report for July 11, 2013: News from China, Arizona, Florida and Quebec.
The Steinman Legal Report for July 11, 2013: News from China, Arizona,
Florida and Quebec.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
How To Stop People From Snooping On You With Facebook's Graph Search
How To Stop People From Snooping On You With Facebook's Graph Search
Steinman Legal Report July 10, 2013: News from Syria, Boston, Florida, Japan and Colombia.
Steinman Legal Report July 10, 2013: News from Syria, Boston, Florida,
Japan and Colombia.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Web sites for the US House of Representatives and the US Senate
Periodically, the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S.
Senate upgrade their websites to include more useful and interactive
information. The design and aesthetics of the sites have not changed in recent
years, but the content has become more substantive, user friendly and
The Steinman Legal Report July 9, 2013: Cleveland kidnapping victims, news from the BBC, unrest in Egypt and Turkey.
The Steinman Legal Report July 9, 2013: Cleveland kidnapping victims, news
from the BBC, unrest in Egypt and Turkey.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Détenu au secret, torturé, Mazen Darwish, journaliste syrien, est en danger de mort.
au secret, torturé,
Mazen Darwish, journaliste syrien, est en danger de
Ten Steps to Planning an Effective Cyber-Incident Response
Ten Steps to Planning an Effective Cyber-Incident Response
Steinman Legal Report July 8, 2013: News from Egypt, San Francisco, India, Alaska and more.
Steinman Legal Report July 8, 2013: News from Egypt, San Francisco, India,
Alaska and more.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
The Steinman Legal Report July 6, 2013. An earthquakes in Indonesia, student loans, and riots in Egypt.
The Steinman Legal Report July 6, 2013. An earthquakes in Indonesia,
student loans, and riots in Egypt.
Friday, July 5, 2013
JD Supra Law News: The Commercial Paper - June 2013
JD Supra Law News: The Commercial Paper - June 2013
The Steinman Legal Report for July 5, 2013: News from Egypt, South Africa, the Vatican and the IRS.
The Steinman Legal Report for July 5, 2013: News from Egypt, South Africa,
the Vatican and the IRS.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Steinman Legal Report July 4, 2013 - News from Egypt and North Korea
Steinman Legal Report July 4, 2013 - News from Egypt and North Korea
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Steinman Legal Report July 2, 2013 - The clock is ticking for Morsi
Steinman Legal Report July 2, 2013 - The clock is ticking for Morsi
Snowden's asylum options dwindle.
Snowden's asylum options
dwindle. |
A number of countries spurn asylum requests by US whistleblower who has been holed up at Moscow airport. |
Monday, July 1, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
A mock mission to Mars
The isolation experiment, a
mock Mars mission, complete with research work and lava-field expeditions in
simulated spacesuits, has reached its half-way point. You might expect the rest
of the sojourn to be a downhill coast. However, as the crew settles into the
third month in its domed habitat on Mauna Loa, a certain concern looms large.
The psychological forecast is mixed with a chance of declining morale, increased
irritability and dwindling motivation.
To be sure, the dire predictions are not specific to this mission or crew,
which has got on remarkably well so far. They stem from the so-called
third-quarter phenomenon, a documented condition experienced by members of
isolated teams on long hauls in harsh places like the Antarctic. It occurs after
a crew has got used to (or simply endured) the rigours and stresses of a
mission’s early period, but when the end is not yet nigh.
New Tax Treaty signed between The Netherlands and Mainland China
New Tax Treaty signed between The Netherlands and Mainland China
China's National Museum on Friday unveiled a pair of Qing dynasty bronzes looted from a Beijing palace more than 150 years ago and returned this year by the family that runs French luxury-goods conglomerate Kering.
China's National Museum on Friday unveiled a pair of Qing dynasty bronzes
looted from a Beijing palace more than 150 years ago and returned this year by
the family that runs French luxury-goods conglomerate Kering.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
June 26, 2013 Steinman Legal Report
June 26, 2013
Steinman Legal Report.
Law. Technology. Politics.
Culture. Everything Else
Court to hear oral arguments in net neutrality case on September 9
Court to hear oral arguments in net neutrality case on September 9
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Fred Cohen Photography, New York
This is the contact information for Fred Cohen, a
brilliant photographer here in NYC. Fred is also available for portraits and
corporate events.. His contact information is set forth below. You may also
contact me as his agent.
Friday, June 21, 2013
June 21, 2013 Steinman Legal Report
Highlights from the June 21, 2013 Steinman Legal Report
FTC. Head Seeks End to Misuse of Patents
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Steinman Legal Report is out! Edition of 20 June 2013
Steinman Legal Report is out! Edition of 20 June 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The National Endowment for the Arts Releases New Research Tool on Working Artists
The National Endowment for the Arts Releases New Research Tool on Working Artists
First in a series of online Arts Data Profiles tallies artists at the state and metro levels, breaks out key demographic characteristicsThe Steinman Legal Report: Law. Technology. Politics. Culture. Everything Else. June 19, 2013
The Steinman Legal Report: Law. Technology. Politics. Culture. Everything Else. June 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Autistic Pride Day, an Aspies for Freedom initiative, is a celebration of the neurodiversity of people on the autism spectrum on June 18 each year.
Autistic Pride Day, an Aspies
for Freedom initiative, is a celebration of the neurodiversity of people on the
autism spectrum on June 18 each year. Autistic pride recognises the innate
potential in all people, including those on the autism spectrum.
Steinman Legal Report is out: Edition of 18 June 2013
Steinman Legal Report is out: Edition of 18 June 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
The Steinman Legal Report for Father's Day, June 16, 2013
The Steinman Legal Report for Father's Day, June 16, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
Know what is happening the in the world - The Steinman Legal Report June 14, 2013
Know what is happening the in the world - The Steinman Legal Report June
14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
A unanimous US Supreme Court held that naturally occurring DNA cannot be patented.
A unanimous US Supreme Court held that naturally
occurring DNA cannot be patented.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Google, Facebook and Microsoft, three of the tech giants accused of opening their servers to the US authorities as part of a secret surveillance program, have appealed to the US government to let them disclose the requests they receive to pass on user data.
Google, Facebook and Microsoft, three of the tech giants accused of opening their servers to the US authorities as part of a secret surveillance program, have appealed to the US government to let them disclose the requests they receive to pass on user data. The companies have all hotly denied giving the National Security Agency "back-door" access to their clients' personal information, and now say that they want greater transparency at the front door, too. We have nothing to hide, they insist. Does the government?
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
NSA, FBI Tapping Into Servers of U.S. Internet Companies
The National Security Agency and
the FBI are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S.
Internet companies, extracting audio and video chats, photographs, e-mails,
documents, and connection logs that enable analysts to track one target or trace
a whole network of associates, according to a top-secret document obtained by
The Washington Post. The program, code-named PRISM, has not been made public
until now.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Marc Jancous Case Against Artist Dismissed June 3, 2013
Marc Jancous Case Against
Artist Dismissed.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Communication and enhancement of Italian cultural heritage by Google
Communication and enhancement of Italian cultural heritage by Google
[Comunicación y valorización del patrimonio cultural italiano por Google]
Elisa Bonacini
Humanities Department, University of Catania, Italy.
email: elisa.bonacini@unict.it; e_bonacini@hotmail.com
email: elisa.bonacini@unict.it; e_bonacini@hotmail.com
WQXR until 3 pm May 28, 2013
<iframe frameborder='0' height='193px' src="http://www.wqxr.org/widgets/embeddable_player/?stream=wqxr#showPlaylist=false" mce_src="http://www.wqxr.org/widgets/embeddable_player/?stream=wqxr#showPlaylist=false" width='300px'></iframe>
Sunday, May 26, 2013
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